A walk to every direction and rotation are necessary for this game.
Because a beach is unstable, it thinks that a body shakes a little.
At the time of the present, I am thinking about the structure that
I detect a change in the center of gravity of the character and it
*It is only a left-right walk still.
*The skeleton structure of the swimsuit model hasn't been made yet.
*AXEL (246KB) |
She follows an audience's voice. The text indicated with an arrow
key is a substitute for the voice.
*AXEL (254KB) |
Because an audience guides her, there is
no player's duty. How shall I do? :)
The next is made that it can rotate. |
It can rotate. It is drunken action. :)
*While it is moving, a key can't be inputted.
*AXEL (251KB) |
The good plan of the game scenario was found. A watermelon is destroyed
with keeping her balance. She falls when a balance collapses.
*AXEL (246KB) |
But, you must not be able to see a watermelon,
and it must take the influence of the audience's voice into consideration.
A camera and the arrangement of the watermelon may be inconvenient.
Let's adjust here. |
An mouse operation interface was made. She walks with a left click
& drag of (A) to every direction. When a balance collapses (B)
spreads out. When a balance collapses greatly (C) turns red. She falls
when all (C) turn red. You must maintain (D) in the center of (A)
to keep a balance.
*She rotates with a left-right arrow key.
*A mouse cursor isn't indicated during the operation.
*AXEL (246KB) |
Next, if mouse button is released, action
which swings down a stick will be made.
She swings down a stick if a mouse button is released from (A).
*AXEL(175KB) |
Next, she is transferred to the stage which
has been completed. |